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~Sin*ful~ ::: I believe in you and me :::












I believe in you when you say
It'll all be alright
I believe in you when you say
You need to fight

I believe in you when you cry
the words of despair
I believe in you when you cry
and your soul is laid bare

I believe in you when you're happy
because I see you shinning through
I believe in you when you're happy
And anything you will do

I believe in you when you're mad
and the frustration holds you in
I believe in you when you're mad
but you believe its a sin

I believe in you when you're determined
and nothing gets in your way
I believe in you when you're determined
you're is what you will say

I believe in who you are
a personality so full of beauty
I believe in who you are
But you have to believe in me

I believe in you and you alone
please try to see
I believe in you and you alone
anything you want you can be

I believe in you
and on you I can depend
I believe in you
you'll always be
my lover and best-friend

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